Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008

Only You Can Make the World Better

I feel it necessary to focus on solutions to the problems in our world and in my life, rather than the problems themselves. That’s because when I think of the crimes that have been committed and the apparent lack of worldly justice devolved to perpetrators, I really start to feel my blood pressure rise and feel a bit ill. After focusing on the force of evil and how it manifests itself in our world for long enough, I get real mad and start ranting to almost everyone I know about what the problems are and what must be done. On an emotional level, I’m one of those few who are affected to an extreme by the force of evil, and the lack of justice this world offers evil people. Why some people have such a strong sense of empathy, and the masses seem not to, I don’t know (but I could speculate on that). It just seems natural to me that we should be extremely concerned and emotionally affected when evil destroys lives. Maybe people are desensitized, confused, and feel helpless.
Perhaps what I consider to be the worst thing about evil is that the bulk of people just find ways to forget about or justify it, and sometimes even go along with it. They seem to care more about some silly TV shows and shopping then they do their fellow human beings.

However, I assume that you as a visitor to this blog are not only fed up with evil, but are looking for solutions to the problems of the world, and for your own life as well. You might have realized that too much empathy for others can drain the life right out of you. You can’t destroy your emotional and psychological health by worrying about the world, because then evil has defeated you too. You want to put out the forces of evil; not fight them, or become defeated thereby.

Trying to fight evil through the mechanisms it uses to manifest itself is like fighting fire with fire. With this method, you let everything burn by fire from both sides. Eventually, the fire gets put out, but only after everything is destroyed. To fight evil with fire would be more destructive than beneficial. For example, we all know the political scheme is a joke; we know violence begets more violence; and we know the Hegelian Dialectic is a set up. In short, we cannot beat “them” by paying “their” game according to “their” rules, because “they” made the game; the rules; and rigged it.

The other way to defeat evil is to fight it with good. That is akin to fighting fire with water; it’s not always easy, but eventually the objective will be achieved. For us, that means doing both the right thing, and going out of our way to do some good things in our everyday lives. For example, we can support small farmers by buying locally produced food and simultaneously put big factory farms (with their genetically modified synthetic “food”) out of business, or you could start a website offering information which helps people improve their lives. Either way, everything you do makes a difference- realize how much power you have in the way you live your life. Do the right thing at all times, and become a role model for others to follow. Once people see you doing the right thing, and making special efforts, they will realize the joy thins brings into ones life, and seek to follow in your footsteps.
In the end, we have to realize that no conspiracy of evil in this world can be fought by us using the methods evil forces have set up to maintain and increase their power grip (for example organized crime and violence, faulty law, and rigged political arenas). Only good can put evil. This is done by righteousness and good acts, which give our fellow human beings the respect and dignity we would ask for in return. Evil acts beget evil- if you don’t believe me, read a chapter out of any history book. Only when we refuse to participate in evil against ourselves and others can we defeat evil. Essentially, that means we beat it at its own game by refusing to play.

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