Today people live by conjuring up an image in their head of what they want, and then shopping for it. When they find something good which deviates from their preconceived ideas about what fits into their boxes, they tent to disregard it. Everything has to be done according to a certain process, match a certain standard or classification, and appear to deliver a certain benefit for them. If it doesn’t, they don’t want any part in it. So many people today strike me as consumers on almost every level; notonly shopping for stuff like houses, cars, and other toys- but also, for spouses, ethics, and religions! It’s really that- shopping for everything as if the material level provided the solutions we are seeking.
But the truth (and don’t expect the Madison Avenue advertisers to tell you this) is that the solution to life’s problems is found on the spiritual level, whilst the problems arise from the material level. That doesn’t mean the material level doesn’t provide us with intricate, beautiful and esoteric things- it does. It’s just that when we get out of balance and focus on the material without the spiritual, we lose the ability to recognize and enjoy the best which the material level offers us. Moreover, we get caught up in the material level without having advanced to the proper spiritual level to balance ourselves.
The problem as I see it is that people do not realize themselves and their ideal lifestyle images by way of heart and intuition; but rather, thru social coaxing and a pre-designed form of ‘logic’, as if to say, “This fits here and that fits there, so I should attain them.” That’s another point I could go on about (but will save it for another time); so many of us have a socially constructed logic, which is not our own and which if we were to delve deeper into it, would find really isn’t too logical at all! But to continue on the original point, people are taught to chose an image for themselves (like some sort of advertisement) and design their lives to fit that image.
So what’s the solution here? Well, you are a spiritual being manifest in the material world, as opposed to a material being (that would be akin to an unconscious robot, actually). As such, when you look to the material world for guidance on who you should become and how you should design your life, you will never attain satisfaction in the spiritual sense. The only sense where one can truly attain satisfaction in is the spiritual sense, as the spiritual world is from where one’s consciousness is manifest through one’s emotions and thoughts. The one who has thoughts and emotions and consequently builds the spirit is the soul. The material world is unconscious, as material objects (like houses, cars, and computers) have neither thought nor emotion. The spiritual world is on a different and higher dimension than that of the material, and you as a spiritual being need to uplift yourself to that higher dimension.
Thus, you need to look into the spiritual world for guidance on how you should design your life. That way, you are looking to the dimension of consciousness; thought and emotion. If you look to the material world, then you simply look to a level far beneath your true nature- that of the unconscious- for guidance.
The way you get in touch with your higher self is very simple. You just ask yourself who you wish you be, what you wish to do, how you wish to live, what you think, etc. You leave your ego out of it, which means forgetting about what it or others will think of you and your choices. You forget about how things fit into a box, and you design yourself and life based upon the limitless. You learn all you can, living your life and experiencing it to the full. If you want spiritual wealth for your soul, then you’re going to have to create it- no one else can. God gave us all souls, but God expects us to build our own spirits; that’s essentially why we have consciousness and free will.
Some people will be unhappy with you becoming your own self, because they chose to become the “Mass-Man,” which is essentially a spiritless self pre-designed by society to fit into some little box. These people are only threatened by your powerful and beautiful independent spirit, because- frankly speaking- they don't have one. If you look at “Mass-Men,” they seem to be going through life almost haphazardly, or unconsciously. They just accept all the crap society dishes out to them, without even really considering it. Don’t do that; the true spiritual self is unique to every soul, as it is based upon every unique soul’s thoughts and emotions as recurrent form their experiences. I think the solution to not becoming a “Mass-Man” is to design oneself on the spiritual (conscious), rather than material (unconscious) level. That way, you will function harmoniously on both levels.
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