In more nostalgic times, “Peace Officer” was the commonly used term for Police. Not all uphold the peace; some were power hungry jerks who hassled others around, but most were good guys who protected citizens.
I have become increasingly concerned about the declining quality of police men and women. It seems to me that more and more cops are power hungry jerks, who just follow orders (and further the agenda of the New World Order). Far too many cops today treat American Citizens as subjects.
In ages past, all high school students in America had to take Civics class. This class informed them of their rights and duties as American Citizens. Aside from teaching young American citizens how the American legal and political systems work, the students were also informed of how to handle encounters with the police; what their rights and the officer’s were, how to protect themselves, and what legal remedies they could take in case their Peace Officer overstepped his boundaries.
As America becomes more and more fascist and our “leaders” show increasingly display the attributes of tyrants, one has to wonder why Civics class curriculums have changed to focus less on the rights of Citizens, and more on the way government makes decisions. Indeed, what were once termed Civics classes are now called Government classes. As someone who only a few years ago sat through government class and learned very little about my constitution, bill of rights, and the legal remedies available to me, I think there could be a conspiracy going on here. Let me put it like this: if you want to have a public easy to control which acquiesces to tyrants, then they need to be dummed down and ill-informed.
Unfortuanetly, most people want to give their power away. They either want others to make decisions for them so they can go and play, OR they say this is just the way the system works and they can do nothing about it. Naturally the idea of changing the system never crosses their minds, because they don’t want to stop giving their power away so they can make changes, nor do they want to engage in non-compliance, as that would also require them to make decisions and be in control.
I assume my readers don’t fall into that category- the Sheeple if you will. The active Citizenry (as opposed to the passive Sheepery) want to use their power. They want to be informed, make decisions in the system and change it if need be. They want to know their rights and duties and those of others, as well as the legal remedies available to them and others.
For those of you active Citizens, there are plenty of resources where you can go to learn your rights. You need to know your legal rights and how the legal system of this country worls. While I recommend everyone study the Constitution and pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights, that isn’t enough in America today. I highly recommend you take advantage of another source I only became aware of the other day, which will make you aware of your legal rights and available remedies, in regards to encounters with the cops. After viewing a film from the Foundation and visiting their site, I became well aware of how, if I ever have an encounter with the police, I should best handle the situation.
Please don’t wait until you actually have to defend yourself against a Crooked Cop to figure out what you’ll do. There are MANY, MANY GOOD HEARTED police in our country, but some are ignorant and some are corrupt. You need to know how to handle BOTH kinds of law enforcement, else you might find yourself in a bad situation which could have quickly and easily been quelled, had you only been aware of both your rights and those of the officer, as well as what to say and do.
Please empower yourself by visiting the Flex Your Rights Foundation website at: And for an excellent video from Flex Your Rights on what to do in the event of a police encounter, please visit:
When you encounter a true Peace Officer, your encounter should go fine, as it will be based upon mutual respect and they will not hassle you. However, if a Crooked Cop happens to come upon you and you have to protect yourself against unnecessary searches and seizures, verbal and/or physical harassment, etc.- then you will have wished you checked out the simple and quickly digested information provided by FlexYourRights Foundation!
I hope that in any 'worst cases,' this information will prove to be
the solution for you!
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