Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

What the Life of Aaron James Means for your Future

The New World Order and their cronies have a vendetta against Aaron James. Not because he is a criminal; not even so much because he stood up when they wronged him; but because if he gets away with doing so, you will think you can too.

You’ve probably never heard of Aaron James, just the way the FBI and Minneapolis Police Department would like it. In fact, all information relating to Aaron James has been erased from the FBI’s website. You will find no information relating to Aaron James there, nor will you find it on the Minneapolis Police Department’s or the Winnipeg Police Department’s websites. According to my understanding, Aaron James believes this is because one or more of these bodies, alone or in tandem, is planning to erase him from the web, before assassinating him.

I for one am taking Aaron James very seriously, and am very worried that his life is in danger. After having heard Aaron James on various Patriot radio shows (such as those accessed via The Republican Broadcasting Network ( and having watched several of his videos via YouTube (accessed via, I am without a doubt that Aaron James is being targeted by the US and Canadian government, as part of a larger New World Order scheme to shut up and set up an example for possible dissenters.

Now before going onto Aaron James’ story, I want to make three brief points. First, Aaron James is not being targeted for having committed a crime- he did NOT commit a crime. Second, even if had committed a crime, he nevertheless both deserves and is legally obligated to be treated as innocent until proven guilty, within the domestic law of the United States and Canada. And third, the American and Canadian police do NOT have the right to beat civilians acting peacefully/non-violently; the police, FBI and CIA do not have the right to threaten civilians into ‘compliance,’ ‘confession’ or other types of action- these agencies do not have the right to threaten civilians PERIOD; and trials within the American court system MUST be administered by an impartial jury.

Now onto the Aaron James story, as I understand it: on 18 January 2006, aboard a Northwestern Airlines flight returning from Minneapolis to Canada, Aaron James’ mother (a soft spoken middle aged lady) was, as she attests to it, asked very rudely by a stewardess to let the latter explore her “suspicious” carry on baggage. Aaron James was treated very rudely by the stewardess, who called him and his mother names via the flight’s intercom system. Neither James nor his mother were, at any point, rude or abrasive to the stewardess or any flight personnel. In fact, this was later admitted by another stewardess I James’ 2006 trial.

Now the next part of the story is a bit hazy for me (I am unable to access Aaron James’ website to get the full facts, unfortunately, as his site has suspiciously been taken down by unidentified third parties). But what I do know is that at some point (I believe in Minneapolis), James was taken off the plane and beaten severely by a several police officers.

Aaron James maintains that this was a racially motivated action, on account of his appearance. Aaron James was beaten so badly, that his clothing was partly saturated with blood. And for what? All because his mother wanted to be treated respectfully by the stewardess, and not ordered around like cattle, and because of his appearance.

Following this incident, Aaron James ad his mother were put on a no fly list, bussed back to Canada, Aaron James was tried in a tribunal type trial (the jury was composed of airport and Minneapolis police personnel!), targeted by Winnipeg police, harassed by American law enforcement and threatened by the FBI/CIA/Winnipeg police and Minneapolis police. An for what? Because he refused to be silent about the abhorrent treatment he and his mother received. Because the New World Order is afraid of individuals like Aaron James, who have backbone enough to stand up to tyranny.

Please get all the facts from Aaron James himself. He recounts them much better than do I. Please watch Aaron James’ video concerning the initial incident (accessibly via You can see how serious James is, and how important it is for us to stick up for and support him, during his struggle against the tyrannical New World Order.

After watching Aaron James’ story, get the word out. Tell anyone and everyone you can. Then write a pose about him and his struggle in your personal blog or on internet forums. If enough people learn about Aaron James, those after his life will not make a move, for fear of showing their true colors.

If the New World Order can shut Aaron James up for standing up to their tyranny, then they can and will shut you up too for doing the same. We need to let them know that we the people are not in the present and will not in the future take their tyranny. We will speak up when they wrong one of us, and we will support each other in their struggles against them! Also, do not let the New World Order win the information battle! Aaron James’ website has mysteriously disappeared off the internet, he is off all FBI lists for the first time in 3 years. Get this story out; inform anyone and everyone you can!

The New World Order has declared war against dissenters; those who are unwilling to go along with their tyranny (e.g., take unwarranted police beatings in silence, sign faulty ‘confession statements’ and let them treat us like cattle). Aaron James is on the figurative front line, doing all he can to preserve his and our future. Meet him at the front, and support him, like he would do for you. If the New World Order takes Aaron James down, it is only a matter of time before they come for you too!

7 Kommentare:

Jim hat gesagt…

This is Aaron James. I have rekindled a skeleton frame to my website here: please see aaronjamesstory-importantlinks (dot)blogspot(dot)com/ On behalf of my mother and family and myself-we thank you profusely for your brave efforts in speaking out on our plight. It will take people of your merit and decency for this world to overcome the oppression and resultant decadence that we are now down spiraling towards as a whole. Yet I do believe that with perseverance we can ultimately overcome as human beings filled with compassion and understanding rather than hate.

James hat gesagt…

McCain/Republican Mandate at Root of attempted Murders /Kidnappings After Northwest Airlines Profiling Attack Upon my mother and I...
The following Study Articulately Draws together the Lineage between McCain's political campaing ties to Northwest Airlines, FBI and Local Factions in Canada attempting our Murder.
(***I AM NOT PRO DEMOCRAT ANY MORE THAN REPUBLICAN- I AM A CANADIAN CITIZEN In this APOLITICAL message We are simply exposing the perpetrators of our afflictions and covert corrupt government)

McCain/ Republicans exposed as complicit in covert persecution/ murder attempts ongoing upon our family in wake of a Minneapolis Minnesota Northwest Airlines profiling attack upon my mother and I in Jan 18/06. Not only did we receive email threats from FBI at various times, one from FBI agent Steven Davis referencing close affiliations with McCain in context threats of harm upon our family-***his email was CC’d to John McCain and two other FBI-attempts upon us are ongoing- but complimenting this detail is the discovery that the Republican/McCain Campaign has deep corporate interests and ties to Northwest Airlines, Northwest Air the primary sponsors of McCain's legal council, and the official airline carrier of the McCain Campaign, with a splash photo of McCain, Norm Coleman and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty on the front cover, and inside pages of Northwest's in-flight magazine, World Traveler. Murder Attempts Ongoing Upon Our family to silence our voices.
Northwest as referenced below, it not only an FBI affiliate having illegally provided millions of PNR’s (passenger name records) in development of pernicious profiling mechanisms procured via online plan fare registration of unsuspecting U.S. citizens, but has been sued successfully by the ACLU for systemic pervasive practices of racial persecution and profiling.


We were profiled and attacked on board a Northwest Airlines flight Jan 18/06,-I was left in a pool of blood, thereafter interrogated by FBI tried to link me to Alqueda, placed through FBI/CIA laden jury and now ongoing kidnapping attempts in Canada by local factions on behalf of U.S. afflict us. This is being done to silence our online voice and lobbying against Northwest- given the corporate and political interests tied to McCain we now see why we have been pursued to doggedly.

Government Just Downed our website WWW.AARONJAMESSTORY.COM on Oct 6/08 just a few days prior, and two consecutive kidnapping attempts took place Oct 10th/and 13th thereafter.! resist1000@usa(dot)com

*** http://MCCAINATTACKS.BLOGSPOT.COM Presidential candidate John McCain campaign and Republican campaign investment interests I have now discovered, are deeply connected to the persecution ongoing against my mother and I in the wake of the Jan 18/06 Minneapolis Northwest Airlines profiling attack upon my mother and I (EVIDENCE BELOW), via his close association with Northwest Airlines, the official airline of his political campaign and the fact that his lawyers have Northwest Airlines as one of their top two primary clients!!- a detail which I have just this second uncovered, the most profound aspect, bar none of our ordeal. Moreover, Tim Pawlenty , Norm Coleman and the Republicans' financial investments and interests within Northwest Airlines as touted in World Traveler magazine, have provided further incentive for covert operations within Republican campaign to silence our voice and protest of our related afflictions and ongoing flagellation.

Our website:
Northwest Airlines Profiling attack: Northwest Air is a McCain campaign affiliate and sponsor and amongst the top 2 clients of the McCain legal counsel. ( details below) In the wake of our online exposure of the profiling attack, there has been illegal covert state activity reaching across the borders with now ongoing kidnapping attempts in Canada via Canadian police acting on behalf of U.S. to silence our online voice. The recent removal of our website on Oct 6 by government, followed by the Oct 10/13th kidnapping attempts is further extension of this dual ploy of harm under the cloak of censorship and occlusion.


***--->>>Northwest Airlines is primary supporter of McCain re airlines
CEO Douglass Steeland is very pro McCain and primary airlines supporter of his campaign complete with magazine photos and coverage in World Traveler magazine
ARTICLE McCain Supporting Northwest Airlines:
"1) If you've taken a flight on Northwest Airlines in August you may have noticed the full cover of their in-flight magazine, World Traveler, greets you with the trio of Norm Coleman, John McCain, and Tim Pawlenty with the headline "The Republican's Are Coming!" The full-length photo identifies "Presidential candidate John McCain is flanked by Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty." Meanwhile Barack Obama gets a less than two inch inset headshot photo which fails to mention that he is a senator, also a Presidential candidate, oh, yeah, and that his name is Barack Obama.

2) Then there's the message from NWA President & CEO Doug Streland which reminds us that his airline is the official airline of the Republican convention.
3) Inside the magazine, the splashy feature article on the Republican convention includes the cover photo of the three men again along with brief descriptions of them, including "fun facts."

***McCain's lawyers amongst the 133 lobbyists working for McCain
have Northwest Airlines as their primary clients!!!

Firm / Employer Campaign Role

Lawyers for McCain Select List of Clients
Northwest Airlines Union Telephone
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Tying together the Missing Links: the FBI/ Northwest Air/ McCain/ Pawlenty/Republican/ Cross Border Collusion Kidnapping /Murder attempts Connections:
Treading on Republican Campaign Corporate interests: Penalty: Attempts on Our lives: Republican corporate interests are at play here and in jeopardy given our well placed rebuke of the Northwest Airlines attack upon us and the subsequent exposure of covert actions ongoing being undertaken to silence our voices permanently -clearly their value on human life or ethics as compared to corporate gain is not a consideration given our ordeal:

*Email threats Received From FBI referencing McCain follow lobbying against Northwest Following the attack upon us.

*Northwest Airlines' Covert FBI Affiliation-is earmarked via their illegal 6000 CD release to the FBI and NASA of millions of PNR's (Passenger Name records) to develop the CAPS (Computer Assisted Profiling System)
(***ALL Americans have come under persecution from this system- the 72 hour wait touted "Ask big brother before you fly"- some have been attacked or even MURDERED:

>Polish Immigrant Robert Dziezenski murdered by RCMP in Vancouver after profiled.
>Oct 14/07 45 Year old Caucasian woman MURDERED in Phoenix Arizona- the nephew of Ombudsman of New York.
>David Orsack, CAUCASION 130 LB violinist, educated, presentable, TASED by Minneapolis Airport police, because of protesting their infringement of his right to leave the airport by bicycle.
*re FBI/Northwest Affiliation : FBI are well known for targeting blacks, Muslims and political dissenters (ex FBI/MN police joint task force at RNC attacked head of Communities United Against Police Brutality Michelle Gross Aug 29/08 of this year)
FBI Co-Intel have been known for attacking the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the Water Gate scandal, the deaths of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Fred Hampton, the abduction of American Indian movement member John Graham and the kidnapping to torture of Canadian citizen Maher Arar (

"It's no secret that the FBI started keeping close tabs on Minnesota's Somali community after 9/11… an ongoing monitoring of Minnesota's Somali community. The FBI has recently ratcheted up the number of impromptu interviews it is conducting with Somalis, often knocking on doors at night…
25/1247/article12604.asp (click)

McCain's Volatile temperament, combined with our threat upon his Northwest Airlines monetary and political interests finally make clear, why McCain was CC'd this email and why we have been so heavily persecuted with so many attempts upon our persons:
McCain is known as a tyrant tending towards corruption with corporate agendas: McCain is known very well for his Freddie Mac Savings Investment and Loan scandal, Keating 5 Scandal in the 80's and his war mongering oil profiting mentality in the East, consistent with his desire to finance the oil mogul Exxon Oil with 4.3 billion in tax benefits as part of the bailout plan, and leave the middle class in the dust-
Our lobbying against Northwest Air is a threat to his and Republican corporate and political interests and we are bearing the brunt of resultant retaliation.

I am a Canadian citizen and have no political motivations herein-this man and his co -consorters are coming after our very lives!
*McCain/Pawlenty/ Republican Campaign corporate and political interests synonymous with Northwest Air (*see above)
Like Attracts Like: Bigotry Discrimination and Extremism:
McCain's racially bigoted campaign strategy (Palan labeling Obama a consorter with terrorists and their supporters shouting "lynch him, kill him etc) is consistent with the profiling mandate of Northwest Airlines and FBI, and Northwest’s r 6000 CD release to the FBI developing the profiling system (CAPS-Computer assisted profiling system) targeting U.S. civilians.
Tim Pawlenty, along side McCain in the splash page of the World Traveler, in-flight Magazine of Northwest Airlines, is renown for his prior political campaign denounced as scandalous/ overtly racially prejudicial and offensive, is well known for his biases while acting as demagogue in using racial stereotypes and related fear mongering to elevate himself in the public eye- a strategy made transparent to the point of publicized media rebuke.
We are no longer surprised as to why Pawlenty refused us any and all assistance following the attack with Minnesota Human Rights following suit. International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group Roche Tasse here within Canada has been extremely concerned and supportive of our plight, as has Michelle Gross head of Communities United Against Police Brutaity, yet despite this, government have been unresponsive due to competing interests and agendas.

*McCain Campaign begins at same time as Murder Attempts begin
The Kidnapping/Murder Attempts Began Oct 27/07 1 year ago-(DISCUSSED IN MORE DETAIL ALONG THE CHRONOLOGY FURHER BELOW) the first of now numerous attempts ongoing-SYNONYMOUS with the commencement of
the McCain/Northwest Airlines backed political campaign.
As stated prior McCain, Tim Pawlenty, and Norm Coleman are also key players involved, all having invested heavily within Northwest Airline's monetary campaign interests, all 3 men-McCain, Coleman, and Tim Pawlenty, on the full cover and inside splash page of Northwest's in-flight magazine, World Traveler, with the headline "The Republican's Are Coming!" His chief executive lawyers have Northwest Airlines Union and U.S. Chamber of Commerce listed as top 2 clientele McCain, Norm Coleman and Minn. Governor Tim Pawlenty seen on splash page cover of Northwest Airlines in-flight magazine "World Traveler" as reporter on
Northwest Was in Bankruptcy Protection, and now in a Delicate Merger with Delta Airlines hanging precariously in the balance-McCain/ Republicans do not want upset in the balance of status quo via risk of civil suit action against Northwest Air. McCain's corporate interests now exposed synonymous with Northwest further underscore and illuminate the motivations for covert attempts upon our lives associated with lobbying against this Corporation given the financial and political interests at large.
*Our Website Goes Down Oct6/08 After On Air Discussion of the E-Threats Received re FBI/McCain- Government removed our website and its remnant on, just days following our broadcasts on WTPRN, Republic Broadcasting, and Genesis Communications with Jack McLamb- We had been discussing the Northwest Airlines profiling attack and resultant cross border persecution and threatening references made towards our harm, from FBI agent Steven Davis, in capacity of his "very good friendship with U.S. Senator John McCain" complete with threatening email to this effect sent our way cc'd to John McCain, U.S. Attorney's office and two other agents of FBI. Days later, our website went down. We have just recently discovered the McCain/ Northwest Airlines connection. Now, GIVEN THE NORTHWEST AIR, MINNESOTA (Gov Tim Pawlenty) corporate and political interests linking to the McCain/ Republican Campaign, we now see why this action was taken, and for the first time, the ROOT CAUSE OF OUR AFFLICTIONS WITHIN CAPACITY THE MCCAIN/REPUBLIC administration.
*Northwest Airlines Known History of Hostility (attack on 6 Imams, 12 Indians, David Orsack,)
*6 month Airline Racial Profiling Project June-Dec 2006 Completed Just days prior to Our Arrival in Jan 18/06 with all staff including janitors "trained" in the nuances of overzealous profiling persecution-only 2 hours of training meted out towards identifying potential terrorists. Minnesota chosen as pioneer site for the new project because of its high Somali(*Muslim) population, the highest in the nation- exposing the racist prejudicial undercurrent motivation the 'project'.
*Cover Up initiated since Northwest Airlines was in bankruptcy protection at the time
*Prejudicial Demographics and Atmosphere of MN: Minnesota Judicial Corruption Prejudice In Minneapolis exposed by Council on Crime and Justice for targeting of blacks/ Muslims , Victims of police brutality (*RNC-notice this affects ALL of us!)- and the poor. There are 21blacks for every one white imprisoned in Minneapolis, and according to the Council on Crime and Justice and Communities United Against Police Brutality head Michelle Gross, the highest rate of over prosecution of blacks and minorities in all of the United States.
***Consistent with the above is the association between Northwest Airlines, Tim Pawlenty, and McCain's political campaign, all equally charged with the elements of racial prejudice and related odious actions.
*FBI/Northwest Air Ties Spawns 9 day detention no Miranda/ FBI interrogation attempting to link me to radical Al-Qaida/ Jihad.
Later radical Jihad / Al-Qaida Websites found online -spoof sites with my name and URL at the top in attempt to falsely implicate me.
*FBI, NSA, Northwest Airlines presence on a fixed jury pool, prejudicial pernicious tribunal court persecution June 19/2006, complete with a criminally charged X-U.S. marine as judge (*Admiral Law) presiding, Judge David S. Doty, who would threaten to send U.S. marshals to harm our family at the close of trial.- In the absence of felony level charges against an individual, their is no legal jurisdiction for U.S. authority in Canada for them to act under any capacity. There are no such charges and I have committed no crime regardless. His statement was criminal.

* FBI/State persecution /threats ongoing, family friends associates terrorized, sabotaged legal mail , voice line tapping, FBI cyber threats, in response to online Youtube /Website broadcast of our ordeal, stalking, silent listener phone calls, etc.

*Kidnap attempt Oct 27/07 no warrant-no charges raid of my home-at commencement of McCain Campaign Oct 27/07 by Winnipeg police followed online FBI cyber threats and odd ominous activity ongoing.
Winnipeg Police chief Keith McCaskill is an FBI asset, president of Northwest Chapter of Associates FBI, with affiliation to Minnesota law enforcement. Police stated "OUR BOSS SAYS Minneapolis has unfinished business with you...says maybe we should lock you up here long enough for one of them to come up and GET you-would you like that?! WE HAVE MINNEAPOLIS POLICE COME UP HERE TO TRAIN ALL THE TIME!" Multiple attempts have followed one of which witnessed by bystanders (Video Herein at top). Of course they were referring to FBI ASSET MINNEAPOLIS AFFILIATE Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, our local Canadian police chief.
***Notice Minneapolis FBI/ McCain/ Republican Parities resurfacing:
*Minneapolis FBI affiliated Police chief in Canada referenced in initial kidnapping attempt
*Minneapolis Governor Tim Pawlenty with McCain in splash inline photo of Northwest Air's in-flight magazine World Traveler reading "The Republicans are Coming!" as further attest to their mutual corporate monetary and campaign affiliated interests.

*Northwests' FBI affiliation via the 6000 CD release to the FBI of illegal PNR's.

*FBI agent Steven Davis Implicates Canadian and U.S. Government in X-Border Kidnapping Collusion via U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler: Agent Steven Davis mentioned Minnesota U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler also in the context of these threats stating "U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler is eagerly working with the Canadian Government to see about your ''rendition"- Given there is no legal ground this behavior is illegal covert activity-
>>Winnipeg Police notes in Canada reveal intent towards harm upon us and a sinister string of calculated Cross Border Collusion With FBI Via reference of U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler entrapment: : Police notes procured by our attorney Adam Masiowki, revealed detailed mention of the SAME U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler that FBI agent Steven Davis had cited along with reference to cross border governmental collusion towards our harm- notes along with inappropriate ominous references and threats towards U.S. marshal and FBI intervention/ "investigation"
...Radical Jihad Websites Resurface in Police notes from Oct 27/07 Kidnapping Attempt-along with threatening detail Of U.S. marshal Kelly Meutschler & FBI intervention:

A sinister string of collusion had FBI interrogation at the time of the attack and accusations of Alquaeda affiliation, followed by FBI presence on our "jury pool" in turn followed by kidnapping attempts by FBI/MN affiliated Winnipeg Police.

Within the Winnipeg police notes procured by our attorney were found these same websites listed along with all of my actual websites complete with threats once again referencing U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler - the SAME U.S. MARTIAL REFERNCED BY agent STEVEN DAVIS along with John McCain amidst threats towards our kidnapping and harm.

Subsequent police notes procured have referenced THREATS UPON MY MOTHER as well.

I had the foresight to report these spoof sites to International Civil Liberties monitoring group Roche Tasse and Communities United against police brutality Michelle Gross-particularly because these sites also mentioned "killing Bushites".

The entrapment was obvious and in contacting them, I also let them know we were expecting a possible imminent attack upon our persons as result. That first attack of now many, was soon to come on Oct 27/07 only several weeks after having discovered these sites online and having immediately reported them!

*McCain E-mail Threat /FBI /Canadian Winnipeg Police Connection:

AGENT STEVEN DAVIS Further McCain-Incriminating -Insight RE McCain Implicated in EMAIL THREAT/ :- in threats sent by FBI agent Steven Davis, March 2007 threatening harm to come upon us Davis had referenced by phone a close friendship with John McCain in the context of these threats while stating
"We keep wondering how it is you manage to keep getting away..."
His email was cc'd to Senator John McCain, U.S. Attorney's office and 2 other FBI.

***FBI have used all manner of covert ploy towards my kidnapping in ongoing attempts

***Winnipeg police have played a key active role as the physical instrument of ALL of these attempts, working on behalf of U.S. agencies towards our harm due to the U.S. FBI affiliation of Chief Keith McCaskill.

Mechanisms used are including but not limited to the following:
*.Agent provocateur Infiltration of activist groups surrounding me for my protection in attempt to lure me back to my apartment.

*Impersonation of apartment complex personnel, posing as caretaker.

*Monitor of my website to track my habits (Agent Steven Davis admits that
numerous FBI and U.S. Marshals having been tracking me online to gleam
information and opportunity towards kidnapping.

As example, I had stated once on now - downed, that they seem to always come at the same time at 10:30 AM on a Saturday giving them 2 days grace to kidnap me before I could reach legal council on the Monday
... they then came for the first time, came, during a weekday two days consecutively on July 9th and 10th/08 and at a different time of day, hoping to catch us off guard.

*Mimicking of my mother's knock pattern- On the July 10/08 kidnapping attempt, Winnipeg police mimicked the special knock pattern my mother used when coming to the apartment to identify that it was she and not Winnipeg police.

Given the time of day, I was suspicious and did not go to the door,calling her on her cell to discover she was AT WORK!

*Spoof Websites for entrapment as stated earlier

*FBI Assets in local police as stated earlier re FBI affiliate Chief McCaskill

*Collusion with the Provincial Justice Department- David Chomiak minister of Justice deflected our complaint back to the Winnipeg police within capacity FBI asset Winnipeg police chief Keith McCaskill and the offending division #11 that has been attempting our kidnapping our murder- as if to say “go cry to the worlf”!!!

**Obstruction of Justice and Contempt of Court by police/court to bide more time for kidnapping:- not only are the courts stalling hearings to deal with the illegal theft of personal property seized during the illegal home raid and initial Oct 27/07 kidnapping attempt- but they are doing so to give police more time to effect their kidnapping ploy (police in violation for return of property seized from my apartment at the time of the initial kidnapping attempt) and assist in the occlusion of the cross border collusion kidnapping ploys at hand-
Inadvertent police admission of guilt and collusion to our attorney stayed by stalling of hearings Crown and police know if process makes it to hearing before I am kidnapped or murdered that all of the covert collusion will be fully exposed...

...->>On Dec 21/07 a Winnipeg Canada police officer outside of “the loop” made the fatal mistake of admitting to our attorney who went to police headquarters that my belongings had been “seized” (burglarized) and sent to a foreign country from Canada to the U.S. in Minneapolis, not realizing he was handing the department its very own legal indictment and irrefutable implication in cross border police state collusion towards kidnapping by doing so!!

He had not been familiar with our case!

Police Try to but Cannot Deny Guilt/ Stall Hearings/ Attempt Kidnapping in Interim.

Police deny they threatened my kidnapping during that day while I was in confinement, or any affiliation with Minneapolis and that I was there simply as the result of a “disturb the peace” allegation (with 10 guns to my head and forced entry of my home?) a charge they later on that SAME DAY stated had (mysteriously) expired unbeknownst to them, where upon they let me go after 12 hours no food or water- yet via their inadvertent Dec 21/07 admission of guilt towards our attorney, via admitted transport of property to the U.S. they cannot deny any of this

- I had managed to contact Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Journalist before they did their forced entry and she confronted them at the station- their attempt at kidnapping under stealth had been thwarted.

Police are now in violation as of Oct 3/08 for the return of such property stolen yet the court has failed to enforce its own COURT ORDER!!

FBI/CIA/RCMP X-Border Collusion Kidnapping Precedent EXPOSED:
The Maher Arar ( is a stunning case and admission of FBI/CIA/ RCMP X-Border Collusion Towards Kidnapping/Torture Exposed in the Maher Arar Case- a case of Canadian kidnapping to torture in Syria (*Syria has 32 known methods of *torture):

"Ottawa sacrificed Arar to save face with U.S., Syria" The Globe and Mail; August 10, 2007 at 3:23 AM EDT Article:

"WASHINGTON — The (Canadian) federal government fought like blazes to keep the fact that the CIA sent Maher Arar to Syria from you - they fought so hard that it took a court order for you to hear it - because Ottawa doesn't want to lose face with the Americans, or the Syrians for that matter...Foreign Affairs, CSIS and especially the RCMP were simply trying to keep hidden their incompetent, duplicitous, disgraceful handling of the Arar file. And they're still at it...." Article:

Both Canadian and U.S. Government, with above history of kidnapping /torture related x-border collusion have wantonly failed to assist us In our plight instead acting surreptitiously towards our harm EXAMPLES FOLLOW :

*FBI Co-Intel Pro Character Assassination Turns to Identity Erasure to facilitate Kidnapping :
U.S. Department of Justice, rather than assist, placed my name on, as their response to our request for assistance! Moreover, despite the fact that as cover up for the profiling attack upon us, I was FALSELY framed with a misdemeanor/ MINOR offense, I would later find my name not only on, but also under MAJOR crimes.

(*My name was removed from on Oct 6/08 - the same date on which our previous website, was removed by government (Our vetted journalist and N.G.O. contacts on this webpage will assure you the entry of my name on has been present for almost 3 years since its inception following the attack upon us)

***FBI asset Wpg Police Chief Keith McCaskill had police come back to make further attempts at kidnapping on Oct. 10 and 13/08 only a few days following the attack upon our online voice, exploiting the fact that they had temporarily removed our ability to broadcast their assaults online.
* Manitoba Minister of Justice David Chomiak’s deflection of our complaint back to the afflicting parties against us in capacity FBI asset Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill and the offending division #11 as referenced earlier.

*Foreign Affairs/Canadian Consulate, ACLU, Canadian Human Rights, and local MP's (including Liberal MP Annita Neville, Raymond Simard, and Pat Martin) “ failure” to assist.
*Canadian Consulate member Estelle Arnud –Battahdier dismissive abandonment of our persons unto torture : "Let us know if they torture you or ask you to commit indecent acts- still we will not be involved - this is a U.S. affair":
>Lesley Hughes journalist for Canadian Dimension magazine, found online material outlining mandatory provisions to be provided Canadians abroad in times of strife or difficulty- none of these provisions were provided.

Instead Estelle-Arnud Battahdier would state, by phone as I lay bleeding, my eye saturated in blood 9 days no Miranda amidst FBI interrogation in Minneapolis a foreign country – “let us know if they torture you-still-this is a U.S. affair and we will not be involved.”

*Canadian Human rights has just been exposed through a criminal complaint for stealing Wi-Fi signals to assume people's identities while placing racist entries on White supremist / KKK affiliated websites

"Criminal complaint filed against Canadian "Human Rights" Commission: Many CHRC employees Stealing nearby WiFi signals in order to spy on Canadians and to post racist messages on websites under others' identities

McCain/Minnesota/Pawlenty/Northwest Air United in mandate of Racism Bigotry and Corruption- Notice the Striking Parities:
Notice the parities: 21blacks:1 white imprisoned Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, also accused of overt racism in his political campaign, Northwest Air sued by the ACLU for overt racial persecution and related profiling-Minnesota Human Rights of course would not assist as it has now become so apparent that Pawlenty and associates (McCain, Northwest Airlines, Norm Coleman, FBI, CIA etc) have other objectives and mandate towards our harm.


The Minneapolis police under Tim Dolan are currently undergoing heavy law suit against them for KKK threats sent interdepartmentaly to all of their black police officers and systemic demotions of minorities on the force. In Keeping with this trend, Minneapolis Police officer Robert Krull, is named in the civil suit as having called Black &Muslim Minneapolis Congressman Keith Ellison "a terrorist!" amidst other hostile remarks.
Again, the Minneapolis statistic of 21blacks:1 white, a judiciary "Corrupt with collusion between prosecution and judges targeting blacks, victims of police brutality and the poor" (Council on Crime and Justice report) and the highest Somali population in all of the U.S., the motivating factor for the racial profiling pioneer project within Minneapolis that afflicted us in 2006, are all poignant corroborating details supporting an aura of racial tension non acceptance and hostility in Minnesota-
...and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty as we have seen, given his racially charged political campaigning, is no exception to the rule.

...KKK FBI affiliations are very prevalent and have been exposed add nausea amidst many writings on the FBI Co-Intel Pro division, targeting primarily Blacks, Muslims, and any political dissenters amongst the majority (Water Gate for example), again, responsible for the deaths of many renown black activists amongst the civil rights movement including Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Fred Hampton, while also involved in the kidnapping to torture of Muslim Canadian Maher Arar, American Indian Movement member John Graham and that same intent currently towards Gary Freeman, a black civil rights activist during the 60's having sought refuge in Canada.

...KKK/FBI/Winnipeg Police/MN Police Connections Continued:

...Police Agencies Linked through Both Affiliation and Prejudicial Mandate: Canadian Winnipeg Police have in their capacity not only FBI asset and Minneapolis police affiliate Chief Keith McCaskill acting illegally and covertly on behalf of the U.S., but kindred with the KKK Law suit against MN Police, Winnipeg Police have been publicaly denounced by the Manitoba Human Rights Commission investigations/report citing Winnipeg Police brutality and systemic persecution unto Natives and Blacks, complete with brutal tasings rapings and murders amidst starlight tours beyond the city limits!

...Tamara King of the Canadian Press cites unprecedented corruption within Canadian law enforcement with record numbers of charges for violations brutality perjury and even gang affiliations pouring in!

Police Trying To Protect Self Interests Via Our Kidnapping: Four of the 10 Winnipeg police involved in ongoing kidnapping attempts are currently charged via independent investigation, and amongst them is Jess Zebron , step son of the former Winnipeg Police Chief Jack Ewatski, who left in disgrace Dec 2007 amidst scandal facing corruption issues.

FBI asset Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill and Winnipeg Police Attempt to Deny MN Affiliation/ X-Border Collusion

They cannot deny their collusion: Dec 21/07one of the Winnipeg Police not 'in the loop' made the mistake of reading to our attonrey, at police headquarters from the computer screen file "Aaron James' belongings have been seized and sent to Minneapolis". Coming back for these files 6 days later on Dec 26/07 in unprecedented manuever, Winnipeg police denied him access to the files!

Also, again, U.S. Marshal Kelly Meutschler's name present in Winnipeg police notes correlating to FBI agent Steven Davis' mention of this same man in reference to cross border governmental collusion towards our kidnapping and related threats sent via email referencing McCain and FBI are incriminating factors.

FBI asset Winnipeg Chief McCaskill/Police Stall Court to Occlude Collusion/ Bide more Time for Kidnapping Ploy
Police Hiding from the Court and the Law:
As of Oct 3/08 Winnipeg police are IN VIOLATION OF COURT ORDER FOR THE RETURN OF PROPERTY seized during the initial kidnapping attempt Oct 27/07 and the unlawful no warrant no charges raid of my home.

Intellectual property papers and possession seized have not been returned as ORDERED by the court, and police have kept secret from the court the fact that property was sent to Minneapolis- problematic for police is the fact that their X border collusion was exposed given the incriminating admission of the officer in the presence of our attorney Dec 21/07 regarding the transport of my property to MN. I am a Canadian citizen. Their agenda is to stall hearings long enough to bide more time for a successful kidnapping.

To this point the crown/police have stalled hearings in any number of fashions including but not limited to
*changing the court room, time and day of hearing with no notice to our attorney
*failing to produce documentation and reports
*feigning that perhaps no police notes from the Oct 27/07 home raid and kidnapping attempt exist at all
*promising on the return of property to avoid a formal hearing than failing to abide by court order for the return of same.
The kidnapping attempts have continued while FBI Asset Chief McCaskill has REFUSED ALL TALKS WITH CITY COUNCILOR Harvey Smith whom we have approached
with our deep concerns.

Canadian Government FBI U.S. Marshals All Exposed in Illegal X-border Collusion/ Kidnapping Ploy via Steven Davis' admissions and threats
Extradition is illegal unless felony charges exists.

Bush Administration Makes Argument for Legality of Kidnapping in a British Court

The London Times Online is reporting that a Senior British lawyer (Alun Jones QC) hired by the Bush Administration is arguing in a British court that the US has the right to kidnap anyone from any foreign country (INCLUDING CANADA) it merely suspects MAY have broken its laws- without the dreary formality of extradition and haul them back to America to stand trial. (Via Libby at The Reaction.)

and_americas/article2982640.ece "Legal experts confirmed this weekend that America viewed extradition as just one way of getting foreign suspects back to face trial. Rendition, or kidnapping, dates back to 19th-century bounty hunting and Washington believes it is still legitimate... ...Jones replied that it was acceptable under American law to kidnap people if they were wanted for offenses in America.

The American government has for the first time made it clear in a British court that the law applies to anyone, British or otherwise, suspected of a crime by Washington.
Alan Jones(quote): "The United States does have a view about procuring people to its own shores which is not shared," he said.
...Shami Chakrabarti, director of the human rights group Liberty, said: "This law may date back to bounty hunting days, but they should sort it out if they claim to be a civilized nation." The US Justice Department declined to comment."
***It is illegal under Canadian Law or any other country's law for non U.S. government or law enforcement to participate in this odious barbaric legislation yet this covert action is being undertaken by local "police" with ties to the U.S. and the Maher Arar torture kidnapping is a precedent setting case establishing a pattern of this kind of activity pervasive and ongoing.

DEEPER IMPLICATIONS: make no mistake this is not just a race issue this AFFECTS ALL AMERICANS :- Operation Falcon *televised mass arrests of ALL citizens (white black -EVERYONE) operation TOP OFF 4 recently with large numbers of arrests, the extension of FISCA bill 2008 by Bush, RNC, do you see a pattern? . Go and see and - he is actually SINGING ABOUT BOMBING IRAN! So what? This is how YOU will be directly affected: On May21/2007 Bush gave himself self imposed dictatorial powers to be used at his discretion during a "state of national emergency" which he could arbitrarily declare. War with Iran would suffice. Also, under the Security Commissions act and Bill HR1955 and 1949 YOU can be arbitrarily detained as an enemy combatant simply by professing ideology which is in contention with state agendas. RNC is just one poignant glaring example with much more and much worse yet to come. ALL AMERICANS MUST HERE OUR MESSAGE- WE ARE ALL AFFECTED. Martial Law is no longer a fantastic machination of our imagining but perhaps very close on the horizon if current trends hold.

Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Magazine Journalist 204 275 5757 e: lesleyhughescanada(at)yahoo(dot)com, Roche Tasse International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group Coordinator 613 241 5298 e: rocht(at)iclmg(dot)ca; Michelle Gross Communities United Against Police Brutality e: mgresist(at) ph 612 703 1612

James hat gesagt…

Hello Conspiracy Solutions. This is Aaron-will need 1 more day for project. Will apprise when complete.

James hat gesagt…

Hello Conspiracy Solutions-This is Aaron-I am working on A.I.G. I.M.F. World Bank Israeli AEIPEC proxy state fasle War on Terror Monitary Profit Aspects in overlaying segments of the movie- I mean for this to be meaningful to the world and as such I have increased the demand for cross reference and reflection upon myself. Change and truth require total commitment -it is the TRUE PATH of life existence we must follow in our due diligence to truth. Will apprise you of updates towards completion of avi/flv projects and will give you a section of the most important part once complete.

Jim hat gesagt…

Conspiracy solutions this is Aaron- I have a plethora of evidentiary scan ins I would like to send you however this will require an email address for you so I can supply attachments.***google "free web based email" if you prefer to make a "disposable" email.
I believe that disbursement of this information will be pivotal as a SOLUTION to the exposure of our plight and their crimes for benefit of all afflicted under these operations.

Please send me an email-, or my youtube site, with an email address I can send to. ***google "free web based email" if you prefer to make a "disposable" email for this purpose- again- very important please reply.

James hat gesagt…

Hello Conspiracy solutions-please see the updates on my website: I am making updates as we speak.
...Still working on the video and paired up with in doing so ( I will be making certain segments and they will be doing supplementary interview)
Not sure if you have responded to my contact -have not checked email for some time-apologize if haven't gotten back to you.
If you haven't already (have to wade through 100 emails to find out) please send me an email address where I can send you documents etc for forensics if willing! Would be of much help! More web updates on the way.

James hat gesagt…

Government Attempting Our MURDER to silence Online Voice Protest
Re Northwest Airlines Profiling Attack- Serious Danger! Need Assistance!(* I am working on sending more scan ins RIGHTNOW but please listen to this mp3 in mean time- exposes MUCH!
(CIA AGENT CALLS INTO MY RADIO INTERVIEW TO INTIMIDATE (I mention her name at 12minutes30seconds; SHE CALLS IN AT 22minutes:30seconds into the recording!!!!) CLICK TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE AND

Hello this is Aaron.
Court is Wednesday Jan 21 1pm Room 302 at the Manitoba Law Courts.
Corruption hides in the shadows- We must bring our plight to PUBLIC SCRUTINY AND THE LIGHT OF DAY!!

Aug 31 Kidnapping Video here:

July 5/08 Kidnapping Attempt:
Audio at time of July05/08 attack HERE

Pawlenty and McCain Exposed in Cover Up of Racism in my video HERE:

ATTEMPTS ONGOING- we NEED WITNESSES to these *covert "proceedings"!
My ph numher: (204) 477 6497 Aaron James
OUR ATTORNEY: ADAM MASIOWSKI: (204) 949 1700 EXT 3 E:admas(at)

***Winnipeg Police first attempted my kidnapping at behest of Minneapolis Oct 27/07
in order to suppress our online exposure of the Northwest Airlines profiling Attack Upon my mother and I Jan 18/06-Now EXACTLY 3 YEARS PRIOR as of today given that Northwest is a corporate affiliate of McCain/republicans and was the official campaign carrier for the McCain campaign- the kidnapping attempts began *precisely at the commencement of the campaign.

During the raid police stole possessions - items and intellectual property, seized and sent to the United States.
On Dec 21/07 one of the Winnipeg Police not in the loop, made the mistake of admitting to our attorney, Adam Masiowsky, that my belongings and documents had been "seized and sent to the United States in Minneapolis"
unaware that by his admission he was implicating the police in a No Warrant No charges WARRANTLESS RAID OF MY HOME AND KIDNAPPING ATTEMPT/combined with armed robbery!

As cover up attempt, Winnipeg Police put forward an application before the court to destroy my belongings seized *without explaining to the court what had transpired or the fact that they had acted illegally in obtaining them in a cross border collusion kidnapping/murder ploy associated with Republican interests !

I was forced into hiding out of my home out overnight in snow/-30 degree weather and finally out of the city to country area in the foothills in order to survive the attempts at my abduction/ kidnapping while we acquired legal counsel.

Since we had acquired a lawyer, the Crown informed police they had better relinquish their application for the
destruction of our property since if it went to court for a hearing, all of their illegal activity would be exposed by our attorney.
...The police response was MORE CRIME- further kidnapping attempts upon me Jan 7/08, Jan 19/08, Jan 26/08,
(Jan-June forced back into hiding) ...
Finally police relinquished and withdrew their petition to destroy our belongings - but not before an Aug 31/08 kidnapping attempt which was witnessed in video (see my youtube account video) which was preceeded by an Aug 22/08 call to my mother by Sgt Ogwal, in order to intimidate her (having terrorized her at her home in company 3 other "police" officers at nearly midnight Jan 7/08 in search to kidnap/ murder me.


We had suspected court complicity for a long while- the court kept allowing the police extensions of time past the court ordered time limit for return of property and stalling hearings- the police in turn made further attempts towards my kidnapping and murder (Now 15 by our count!)- a symbiotic judicial/law enforcement union of corruption and sinister intent.

We had the police all but exposed- they had been forced to relinquish on their illegal hold of our property and
judge Geisbrecht had ordered that the police return our possessions in court as of Sept.3/08 giving them a 30 days grace period in order to comply with her ORDER. Surely we could now expose them in so far as the collusion with the United states-especially given their inopportune admission to our attorney.

...Jan 14/08 we got to court and for the 4th time in a row, the police were without our possessions
AND THE JUDGE GAVE THEM A BACKDOOR OUT- Judge Giesbrecht argued that in fact (contrary to indications given to our attorney) she had not *actually signed a court order!! THIS IS ABSURD- A COURT TRANSCIPT IS IN OUR POSSESSION OF HER HAVING ORDERED THE POLICE TO RETURN PROPERTY WITH A 30 DAY TIME LIMIT-which they failed to do; It is UNPRECIDENTED and HIGHLY IRREGULAR for a court transcript in which an ORDER is given, not to be followed up by a COURT ORDER. In fact, we understand that a transcript is MORE POWERFUL than the order itself.

Winnipeg Police now claim the police officer was in error about telling Adam that my "belongings and documents were seized and sent to the United States in Minneapolis"- in error over such an unusual-ILLEGAL-and FINE detail? Impossible. Police also deny their presence at my apartment or their intent to kidnap or murder my mother and I.

Yet the police reports tell a very different story.
The reports have threats towards kidnapping and mentions of "U.S. Marshals handling Case" and reference "James subject of possible extradition to the United States... U.S. Marshals contacted..." as well as THREATS UPON MY VERY OWN MOTHER!! (for not having "cooperated" with them in locating me!)

***The Police Chief Keith McCaskill is an FBI graduate/ asset, and assisting the U.S. Marshals and FBI in my kidnap
/murder cross border, as a carry over of the FBI/CIA/NSA laden "Jury Pool" illegal tribunal constituted to persecute my mother and I after the airline attack that left me bloodied and hospitalized.

With my belongings still in the hands of the United States, the court and the police have worked stealthily together
to ensure that should I be kidnapped (if not murdered in the process) that the intellecutal property seized and sent to the U.S. would be available to propogate further tribunal military secret trial against us-accusing me of terrorism under their Patriot Act and Security Commissions act and possibly subjecting me to torture as was done to Arar ( and others.

The cover up is in full effect and the court is counting on one thing


first they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew and so I did not stand up
...then they came for the Communists but I was not a Communist and so I did not stand up...
...then they came for the Union workers but I was not a Union worker and so I did not stand up...
My ph numher: (204) 477 6497 Aaron James