Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Saving the Lost

An important point hit me hard he other day. Namely, we cannot save people, we can only show hem the way. And if they refuse hat path, we cannot carry them along down it.

I was for the umpteenth time attempting to explain yet again to someone why I would NOT be voting for either 'major' candidate in the upcoming elections. My basic argument was that both candidates are part of the New World Order. I told my Dear Mother that she just wants something to believe in, but that putting her faith in the wrong person can be much worse than no faith at all. Basically, I told her that John McCain is JUST as bad as Obama, and both are working from the same agenda and for the same people (the NW)). From her response though, it seemed to me that she refuses to accept the existence of a NWO. I don't mean to speak for my Dear Mother, I just think she sees the signs of a conspiracy but on some level will not accept that both candidates are part of it. The truth is too ugly, it must be ignored.

This is no commentary upon one person, but rather upon a phenomenon. Many people are in the position of choosing to deny the ugly truth, rather than accept it and go from there. They see the economy falling apart, corrupt politicians, unconstitutional legislation, chemtrails etc. However, most of these people do not want to admit the existence of a conspiracy, ad chalk it ll up to chance or coincidence.

So many people scoff at the mention of the word conspiracy. They want to believe thins 'just happen,' not that they are planned. I think this is because if things 'just happen' you can't do anything to 'prevent the chips from falling how they may,' as it were. BUT, if there really was a conspiracy for global domination and the economic/political games are rigged... then it means you MUST do something about it. Also, it the fact is that most people just want to go about their lives the way children go about play, and cannot be bothered to take responsibility for things like the political situation of their country/state/city, unfortunately. Thus, they want so strongly to believe in their 'leaders,' to feel the 'grown ups' are looking out for them so they can 'play house.'

The truth though is that while we have MANY comforts, society today tends to be a harsh and difficult place. And it gets rougher all the time. The banksters, those corrupt among the police and the crooked politicians have us so concerned with paying our bills on time, following all the little rules and preventing worse people from coming into power, that most of us are not living very fun lives. Sure, we have a few simple pleasures left... but have our lives and by extension their societies lost their meanings?

I've spoken with many individuals concerning these topics. Very few are fascinated to learn that conspiracies exist, and their lives change as a result of understanding this fact. Most however remain indifferent at best and hostile or angry a worse to it.

The former category of people have meaning in their lives. They look around them and see a human society losing its meaning, but that isn't everything. They find truth and meaning in themselves, love, God and the non-human environment around them. The latter category however has for the most part become ideologically fanatical, angry, afraid, and many are very materialistic. These people tend not to see truth and meaning accurately, finding it mainly in things and ideas (like material goods and society), as opposed to in themselves and the non-human world.

But, life is a journey, the destination remaining unknown. We can't force people to come along with us, we can only offer them our hand. However, those of us who are courageous enough must -alone if necessary- look at truth, no matter how ugly it may be.

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

What the Life of Aaron James Means for your Future

The New World Order and their cronies have a vendetta against Aaron James. Not because he is a criminal; not even so much because he stood up when they wronged him; but because if he gets away with doing so, you will think you can too.

You’ve probably never heard of Aaron James, just the way the FBI and Minneapolis Police Department would like it. In fact, all information relating to Aaron James has been erased from the FBI’s website. You will find no information relating to Aaron James there, nor will you find it on the Minneapolis Police Department’s or the Winnipeg Police Department’s websites. According to my understanding, Aaron James believes this is because one or more of these bodies, alone or in tandem, is planning to erase him from the web, before assassinating him.

I for one am taking Aaron James very seriously, and am very worried that his life is in danger. After having heard Aaron James on various Patriot radio shows (such as those accessed via The Republican Broadcasting Network ( and having watched several of his videos via YouTube (accessed via, I am without a doubt that Aaron James is being targeted by the US and Canadian government, as part of a larger New World Order scheme to shut up and set up an example for possible dissenters.

Now before going onto Aaron James’ story, I want to make three brief points. First, Aaron James is not being targeted for having committed a crime- he did NOT commit a crime. Second, even if had committed a crime, he nevertheless both deserves and is legally obligated to be treated as innocent until proven guilty, within the domestic law of the United States and Canada. And third, the American and Canadian police do NOT have the right to beat civilians acting peacefully/non-violently; the police, FBI and CIA do not have the right to threaten civilians into ‘compliance,’ ‘confession’ or other types of action- these agencies do not have the right to threaten civilians PERIOD; and trials within the American court system MUST be administered by an impartial jury.

Now onto the Aaron James story, as I understand it: on 18 January 2006, aboard a Northwestern Airlines flight returning from Minneapolis to Canada, Aaron James’ mother (a soft spoken middle aged lady) was, as she attests to it, asked very rudely by a stewardess to let the latter explore her “suspicious” carry on baggage. Aaron James was treated very rudely by the stewardess, who called him and his mother names via the flight’s intercom system. Neither James nor his mother were, at any point, rude or abrasive to the stewardess or any flight personnel. In fact, this was later admitted by another stewardess I James’ 2006 trial.

Now the next part of the story is a bit hazy for me (I am unable to access Aaron James’ website to get the full facts, unfortunately, as his site has suspiciously been taken down by unidentified third parties). But what I do know is that at some point (I believe in Minneapolis), James was taken off the plane and beaten severely by a several police officers.

Aaron James maintains that this was a racially motivated action, on account of his appearance. Aaron James was beaten so badly, that his clothing was partly saturated with blood. And for what? All because his mother wanted to be treated respectfully by the stewardess, and not ordered around like cattle, and because of his appearance.

Following this incident, Aaron James ad his mother were put on a no fly list, bussed back to Canada, Aaron James was tried in a tribunal type trial (the jury was composed of airport and Minneapolis police personnel!), targeted by Winnipeg police, harassed by American law enforcement and threatened by the FBI/CIA/Winnipeg police and Minneapolis police. An for what? Because he refused to be silent about the abhorrent treatment he and his mother received. Because the New World Order is afraid of individuals like Aaron James, who have backbone enough to stand up to tyranny.

Please get all the facts from Aaron James himself. He recounts them much better than do I. Please watch Aaron James’ video concerning the initial incident (accessibly via You can see how serious James is, and how important it is for us to stick up for and support him, during his struggle against the tyrannical New World Order.

After watching Aaron James’ story, get the word out. Tell anyone and everyone you can. Then write a pose about him and his struggle in your personal blog or on internet forums. If enough people learn about Aaron James, those after his life will not make a move, for fear of showing their true colors.

If the New World Order can shut Aaron James up for standing up to their tyranny, then they can and will shut you up too for doing the same. We need to let them know that we the people are not in the present and will not in the future take their tyranny. We will speak up when they wrong one of us, and we will support each other in their struggles against them! Also, do not let the New World Order win the information battle! Aaron James’ website has mysteriously disappeared off the internet, he is off all FBI lists for the first time in 3 years. Get this story out; inform anyone and everyone you can!

The New World Order has declared war against dissenters; those who are unwilling to go along with their tyranny (e.g., take unwarranted police beatings in silence, sign faulty ‘confession statements’ and let them treat us like cattle). Aaron James is on the figurative front line, doing all he can to preserve his and our future. Meet him at the front, and support him, like he would do for you. If the New World Order takes Aaron James down, it is only a matter of time before they come for you too!

Freitag, 12. September 2008

Destroy America from the Left, Destroy her from the Right, or Rescue Her?

Some people want you to believe that come November, you mush decide the future of America, and there are only two paths: the John McCain or Barack Obama one, respectively.

Unfortunately, the bulk of the American populace has bought this lie. But how was it sold to those of this category? Hollywood films, Madison Avenue advertising, small town print newspapers owned by big city media conglomerates, national news stations, television serials, indoctrination at universities, and so on.

Well, the truth is that those who buy this lie have had their entire paradigm shaped by the powers that be, and simply do not see the situation accurately. Sadly, far too many people think that 1) voting for either McCain or Obama makes a difference to the future of our country and fellow countrymen; and 2) they ‘have to’ vote for either McCain or Obama because; 3) There is no other course.

Time and space do not allow us to make a thorough consideration of the candidates in question’s political convictions and policy proposals, so we will have to just cut to the chase. On the one hand, few of us feel too comfortable with allotting McCain the privilege to declare war, let alone push the red button. On the other though, many Americans are opposed to Obama’s plans for cultural change; such as entrenching socialism and both political and economic bolshevism into our governing sphere.

While the means may be different, the ends are the same; the destruction of America as our forefathers built her to be, and thus the destruction of our nation. America will be made neither greater nor more glorious through war. And moreover, it will be your sons and daughters sacrificing their lives for the livelihoods of the elite –or in other words, you and your family are intended to reap so the elite may sow. Similarly, you might not like all the rules imposed by ‘Daddy the State.’ Socialism is a form of government where the former party governs society in the way which it consider best, despite the contentions of the latter. That inevitably means total control by the government of the people for themselves, and perpetual childhood through helplessness and ignorance for you, the people.

In both of the aforementioned scenarios, it emerges as clear that whether you take the far right or the far left route, you will still end up at the same place: hell.

Directly compounding the grimness of this situation is the fact that many individuals believe they must either vote for McCain or Obama. They feel they must choose between the ‘lesser of two evils,’ but evil is still evil. As previously mentioned, the roots of this problem stems back to the mainstream media and educational institutions pounding us unceasingly with destructive messages, which once accepted, shape our paradigm and constrict our thinking within certain limits. The powers that be have –unlike the general public- wised up to the fact that the paradigms and hence dominant thoughts of the latter can easily be shaped through visual and auditory repetition, example (i.e., television shows and people who parrot television characters), and the limiting of information. Add in an element of propaganda designed to initiate emotionalism either against or for certain individuals; groups; policies; and etc., and the inevitable result is a very ignorant and controlled populace.

The masses have been trained to think they must vote for one of two candidates in question, both from one of the country’s major political parties. Never mind that these are corrupt, dangerous and evil individuals –the media, heir educators, their friends and family, and their colleagues told them to vote for one of the two! So they must follow in step, choosing ‘the lesser of two evils-’ musn’t they?

We are at a time now when it should emerge as clear to all adults with a modicum of common sense that both Democratic and Republican presidential candidates are following an agenda –one of neither their, their party’s nor the American people’s making. Moreover, this agenda is clearly bigger than the politics of our state, and is furthermore one which betrays the interests of America and her people. In short, it is nothing less than a global agenda, created by globalists, of a very nefarious sort. If you have not gotten it up to this point, then you are as good as the German-Jew of 1938, who didn’t get Hitler’s plot until 1945.

The reality is that one of these terrible candidates hitherto discussed will most likely win the election, and end up sitting comfortably in the Whitehouse, in order that he may firther the implementation of globalist agendas. However, what this means for America and her people depends upon how we handle that event.

While there are a variety of solutions available to this most dire problem, the discussion of these questions are maters for other posts. Suffice it to say though, that there are millions of Americans out there who are not willing to go along with gloablist plans to destroy their nation, and who will not follow either of these two ‘leaders.’ Once upon a time, America’s forefathers once fought globalist interests –most notably the Queen of England’s- to stake a Great Nation. Despite our tragic situation today, in which we have nearly lost everything which once made this nation great, we can take back what is rightfully ours! America -all that she stands for and all we’ve nearly lost- freedom, liberty from tyranny, the right to pursue of happiness, the right to protect ourselves, and etc. can and will be reclaimed by great Americans who will stop at nothing to save our land!
Take Back Our Country: 3 Ideas!

It is simply improbable that we will rebuild a great state, until we the nation bring ourselves in order. That is to say, a given people’s governance institutions are a reflection of that people in general.

It is my opinion that the first step towards bettering the state begins with bettering the nation, and to that end, I discuss this issue rather abstractly; I believe the specifics therein can only be determined at an individual level. Second though, I present two definite and practical steps, which I hope some individuals will find useful.

As previously stated, I believe that the first step towards bringing fundamental American values –namely, those enshrined in the constitution-, is instilling within ourselves and living by traditional American values. But this process goes deeper and is subsequently more significant than that. Not only do we need to adopt a paradigm akin to that of our forefathers, to a considerable degree -living according to our values and base our principles thereupon-, but we must continuously improve our inner selves and our outer behavior, as the state is only as good as we the nation!

I will not provide my opinion concerning how Americans ought to be and behave, but suffice it to say that the values of our culture have undergone a fundamental shift, during the past several decades, and we ought to reconsider whether this has been for the good or detriment of our society.

Moving on though, there are myriads of differing practical and relevant actions we may all take, which will better our country. Each and every American ought to make a consideration of his or her unique attributes and situation, in order to determine what he or she may best do for our country and people. That having been said so far, perhaps the following ideas will be of use to some individuals, or will help to generate ideas within others, as to how change might be affected.

One idea is making your own patriot website. This serves three purposes, far as I can tell. For one you serve to develop and motivate yourself; all while taking pride in the service you are doing to provide others with important, informative and entertaining information! But for another, you help to educate and inspire others! And finally, you increase the strength and depth of the movement!

Also, you might try speaking to your friends, family and colleagues about political, economic and social issues. But you will want to ‘tread water,’ as it were, carefully on this one. Those who look to he ‘boob tube’ for guidance are probably not going to be your most receptive audience, should you seek to enlighten them on the various conspiracies and conspirators, you are so keenly aware of. Nonetheless, you are apt to find that when you probe and question them in a way which makes them think critically, they end up challenging their own beliefs. For instance: “Wow, isn’t it amazing how both the Russian and American governments want to have a go at one another, when war serves neither purpose,” or “Isn’t it funny how the US trained Georgian commandos just a few moths before the Russian-Georgian conflict broke out?” and so on.

The formula to be followed is this: 1) ask questions relating to what you know is a conspiracy/cover-up; 2) ask questions about that conspiracy/cover-up which prompt them to think critically about it; 3) challenge the holes within their original (gently, as we want this to come off as a fun brain teaser/search for truth!); 4) until they arrive at the answer which logically explains the event –namely, some sort of a conspiracy, or an uncanny coincidence.

In this method, you are prompting them to come up with the answer on their own through mental gymnastics, rather than giving it away from the beginning (as they will surely reject it, should you try that). They end up showing themselves the truth, through their own efforts. Through the question-challenge-answer method, you will probably strike a lot of curiosity in their minds, even if not apparent initially!

I hope this has been of some use to both you and our cause!

Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008

Do You Know how to Handle Police Encounters?

In more nostalgic times, “Peace Officer” was the commonly used term for Police. Not all uphold the peace; some were power hungry jerks who hassled others around, but most were good guys who protected citizens.

I have become increasingly concerned about the declining quality of police men and women. It seems to me that more and more cops are power hungry jerks, who just follow orders (and further the agenda of the New World Order). Far too many cops today treat American Citizens as subjects.

In ages past, all high school students in America had to take Civics class. This class informed them of their rights and duties as American Citizens. Aside from teaching young American citizens how the American legal and political systems work, the students were also informed of how to handle encounters with the police; what their rights and the officer’s were, how to protect themselves, and what legal remedies they could take in case their Peace Officer overstepped his boundaries.

As America becomes more and more fascist and our “leaders” show increasingly display the attributes of tyrants, one has to wonder why Civics class curriculums have changed to focus less on the rights of Citizens, and more on the way government makes decisions. Indeed, what were once termed Civics classes are now called Government classes. As someone who only a few years ago sat through government class and learned very little about my constitution, bill of rights, and the legal remedies available to me, I think there could be a conspiracy going on here. Let me put it like this: if you want to have a public easy to control which acquiesces to tyrants, then they need to be dummed down and ill-informed.

Unfortuanetly, most people want to give their power away. They either want others to make decisions for them so they can go and play, OR they say this is just the way the system works and they can do nothing about it. Naturally the idea of changing the system never crosses their minds, because they don’t want to stop giving their power away so they can make changes, nor do they want to engage in non-compliance, as that would also require them to make decisions and be in control.

I assume my readers don’t fall into that category- the Sheeple if you will. The active Citizenry (as opposed to the passive Sheepery) want to use their power. They want to be informed, make decisions in the system and change it if need be. They want to know their rights and duties and those of others, as well as the legal remedies available to them and others.

For those of you active Citizens, there are plenty of resources where you can go to learn your rights. You need to know your legal rights and how the legal system of this country worls. While I recommend everyone study the Constitution and pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights, that isn’t enough in America today. I highly recommend you take advantage of another source I only became aware of the other day, which will make you aware of your legal rights and available remedies, in regards to encounters with the cops. After viewing a film from the Foundation and visiting their site, I became well aware of how, if I ever have an encounter with the police, I should best handle the situation.

Please don’t wait until you actually have to defend yourself against a Crooked Cop to figure out what you’ll do. There are MANY, MANY GOOD HEARTED police in our country, but some are ignorant and some are corrupt. You need to know how to handle BOTH kinds of law enforcement, else you might find yourself in a bad situation which could have quickly and easily been quelled, had you only been aware of both your rights and those of the officer, as well as what to say and do.

Please empower yourself by visiting the Flex Your Rights Foundation website at: And for an excellent video from Flex Your Rights on what to do in the event of a police encounter, please visit:

When you encounter a true Peace Officer, your encounter should go fine, as it will be based upon mutual respect and they will not hassle you. However, if a Crooked Cop happens to come upon you and you have to protect yourself against unnecessary searches and seizures, verbal and/or physical harassment, etc.- then you will have wished you checked out the simple and quickly digested information provided by FlexYourRights Foundation!

I hope that in any 'worst cases,' this information will prove to be the solution for you!

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

For Those Who Want to 'Fix' Everyone Else

I’ve been well aware of the whole mess in Darfur for approximately a couple years now. In fact, I’m quite well aware of many messes occurring throughout the world. Indeed, these problems are serious and ‘something should be done.’ But the answer to the question of who should do that something seems to be a dubious one right now. And moreover, these messes are really symptoms of underlying problems within some people’s psyches.

Tonight I watched a movie about Darfur which I felt was terribly heartbreaking, yet in a moral or functional sense, pointless. I felt that it made a simultaneous call of duty and ego stroking for those activists who want to clean up everyone else’s messes before they focus on their own. I would say one point which bothered me was that of urging people to go out and write letters to their state representatives to fix Darfur, when our own country needs such fixing! Our country has such serious problems (which I need not delve into), that we really aren’t in the position to tell other what to do.

Some people would look at America and say that it's broken, taken into consideration on its own merit. Others would look at Darfur and compare it to America, saying we are so much the better off, so we should do something to 'help' them (and just about everyone else who needs our 'help,' once we get around to it). It is probably no surprise, but I fall into the former group.

What strikes me is that many people would rather go all the way to the other side of the world and fix “their” problems “over there” before putting ours into order “over here.” I used to be the kind of person who had lots of work to do on fixing my own problems. But I saw and wanted to fix everyone else’s, somehow managing to escape acknowledging the existence of and consequent necessity for healing my own. It was only after I worked through the bulk of my own ‘self-issues’ that I began to see how much my wanting to fix everyone else’s life reflected the desire to fix my own.

And so it is with those activists and countries who want to fix every other country’s problems before they fix their own. Please don’t get me wrong: yes Darfur needs fixing, but it doesn’t need it from an already broken country. The sick man is not in the position to heal. Or in other words, if we don’t stop trying to fix everyone else’s country, then eventually people from other countries will be arriving in America to fix us!

When you see something wrong happening ‘over there-‘be it with your family, friends, neighbors, you can only be of assistance if you are willing and welcomed to do so. But if you are not in the position to help- no matter how much you ant to- then you really cannot.

The fact is, when the leaders of a country are crooked and corrupt; when the people are mislead; when the country is in a 7 trillion dollar debt; when the military is overstretched as it is; when their power is dwindling; and when the international community thinks that country should learn to mind its business, then perhaps that particular country in question should sit back and consider how it got to be so broken and howit can be fixed, before they answer their own call of duty and march off to fix the other guy’s problems over there.

And one more point: I don’t see anyone else charging out to fix the world but America. It’s really a noble goal, but it isn’t attainable in our current state. It’s not our responsibility to fix everyone else’s problems- why doesn’t, for example, France do something to fix Darfur or whomever? Well, for one thing it’s not France’s job, and for another, they are spending their respires at home to fix their own problems, as they really don’t want to exhaust themselves only to wind up in a ‘fix France’ campaign.

So I’ll end it here by stating that I don’t believe broke accountants should offer financial advice. While it’s a noble desire to fix other people’s problems, doing so only becomes viable once he who offers has fixed his own. What we need to do is first fix what’s wrong with us ourselves, and only then can we begin to fix our relationships with others and improve our lives. At that state, it becomes viable to get involved with fixing our own countries problems. But I can say that for a bunch of people who haven’t solved their own psychological problems to go out ‘fixing’ the problems of others is a recipe for disaster.

Finally, the reason ‘it always happens again’ is because there are underlying problems in the world, the symptoms of which are ‘it,’ or genocide, war rimes, and crimes against humanity. The solutions to that symptom lie in treating the cause- ourselves. That’s right, us. For example, when we believe it’s OK to commit evil acts for “just causes;” or we let our leaders get away with lying, cheating, and stealing; or when we believe that such a world system in which 17% of the world’s people live in 1$ a day is OK- then we can be certain we have our own problems to deal with as individuals and families.

The world in which most people are psychologically healthy individuals is the world which functions correctly. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but the solutions lie not in whether we have might, but rather whether we have right.

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

Are You an Independent Spirit?

When I look at most people, they seem to be in a rat race to me. It seems like so many of us live so emptily, and that’s really what the rat race comes down to- running around on the hamster wheel for things which have no real worth to you. The problem is that so many of us are living for a lifestyle which matches a pre-conceived image, which was created by picking and choosing from the material things shown to you by those who control your society- and these things aren’t necessarily offered to you for your own good (less you believe foods which ruin your health and drugs which do you in are for for benefit).

Today people live by conjuring up an image in their head of what they want, and then shopping for it. When they find something good which deviates from their preconceived ideas about what fits into their boxes, they tent to disregard it. Everything has to be done according to a certain process, match a certain standard or classification, and appear to deliver a certain benefit for them. If it doesn’t, they don’t want any part in it. So many people today strike me as consumers on almost every level; notonly shopping for stuff like houses, cars, and other toys- but also, for spouses, ethics, and religions! It’s really that- shopping for everything as if the material level provided the solutions we are seeking.

But the truth (and don’t expect the Madison Avenue advertisers to tell you this) is that the solution to life’s problems is found on the spiritual level, whilst the problems arise from the material level. That doesn’t mean the material level doesn’t provide us with intricate, beautiful and esoteric things- it does. It’s just that when we get out of balance and focus on the material without the spiritual, we lose the ability to recognize and enjoy the best which the material level offers us. Moreover, we get caught up in the material level without having advanced to the proper spiritual level to balance ourselves.

The problem as I see it is that people do not realize themselves and their ideal lifestyle images by way of heart and intuition; but rather, thru social coaxing and a pre-designed form of ‘logic’, as if to say, “This fits here and that fits there, so I should attain them.” That’s another point I could go on about (but will save it for another time); so many of us have a socially constructed logic, which is not our own and which if we were to delve deeper into it, would find really isn’t too logical at all! But to continue on the original point, people are taught to chose an image for themselves (like some sort of advertisement) and design their lives to fit that image.

So what’s the solution here? Well, you are a spiritual being manifest in the material world, as opposed to a material being (that would be akin to an unconscious robot, actually). As such, when you look to the material world for guidance on who you should become and how you should design your life, you will never attain satisfaction in the spiritual sense. The only sense where one can truly attain satisfaction in is the spiritual sense, as the spiritual world is from where one’s consciousness is manifest through one’s emotions and thoughts. The one who has thoughts and emotions and consequently builds the spirit is the soul. The material world is unconscious, as material objects (like houses, cars, and computers) have neither thought nor emotion. The spiritual world is on a different and higher dimension than that of the material, and you as a spiritual being need to uplift yourself to that higher dimension.

Thus, you need to look into the spiritual world for guidance on how you should design your life. That way, you are looking to the dimension of consciousness; thought and emotion. If you look to the material world, then you simply look to a level far beneath your true nature- that of the unconscious- for guidance.

The way you get in touch with your higher self is very simple. You just ask yourself who you wish you be, what you wish to do, how you wish to live, what you think, etc. You leave your ego out of it, which means forgetting about what it or others will think of you and your choices. You forget about how things fit into a box, and you design yourself and life based upon the limitless. You learn all you can, living your life and experiencing it to the full. If you want spiritual wealth for your soul, then you’re going to have to create it- no one else can. God gave us all souls, but God expects us to build our own spirits; that’s essentially why we have consciousness and free will.

Some people will be unhappy with you becoming your own self, because they chose to become the “Mass-Man,” which is essentially a spiritless self pre-designed by society to fit into some little box. These people are only threatened by your powerful and beautiful independent spirit, because- frankly speaking- they don't have one. If you look at “Mass-Men,” they seem to be going through life almost haphazardly, or unconsciously. They just accept all the crap society dishes out to them, without even really considering it. Don’t do that; the true spiritual self is unique to every soul, as it is based upon every unique soul’s thoughts and emotions as recurrent form their experiences. I think the solution to not becoming a “Mass-Man” is to design oneself on the spiritual (conscious), rather than material (unconscious) level. That way, you will function harmoniously on both levels.

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008

Only You Can Make the World Better

I feel it necessary to focus on solutions to the problems in our world and in my life, rather than the problems themselves. That’s because when I think of the crimes that have been committed and the apparent lack of worldly justice devolved to perpetrators, I really start to feel my blood pressure rise and feel a bit ill. After focusing on the force of evil and how it manifests itself in our world for long enough, I get real mad and start ranting to almost everyone I know about what the problems are and what must be done. On an emotional level, I’m one of those few who are affected to an extreme by the force of evil, and the lack of justice this world offers evil people. Why some people have such a strong sense of empathy, and the masses seem not to, I don’t know (but I could speculate on that). It just seems natural to me that we should be extremely concerned and emotionally affected when evil destroys lives. Maybe people are desensitized, confused, and feel helpless.
Perhaps what I consider to be the worst thing about evil is that the bulk of people just find ways to forget about or justify it, and sometimes even go along with it. They seem to care more about some silly TV shows and shopping then they do their fellow human beings.

However, I assume that you as a visitor to this blog are not only fed up with evil, but are looking for solutions to the problems of the world, and for your own life as well. You might have realized that too much empathy for others can drain the life right out of you. You can’t destroy your emotional and psychological health by worrying about the world, because then evil has defeated you too. You want to put out the forces of evil; not fight them, or become defeated thereby.

Trying to fight evil through the mechanisms it uses to manifest itself is like fighting fire with fire. With this method, you let everything burn by fire from both sides. Eventually, the fire gets put out, but only after everything is destroyed. To fight evil with fire would be more destructive than beneficial. For example, we all know the political scheme is a joke; we know violence begets more violence; and we know the Hegelian Dialectic is a set up. In short, we cannot beat “them” by paying “their” game according to “their” rules, because “they” made the game; the rules; and rigged it.

The other way to defeat evil is to fight it with good. That is akin to fighting fire with water; it’s not always easy, but eventually the objective will be achieved. For us, that means doing both the right thing, and going out of our way to do some good things in our everyday lives. For example, we can support small farmers by buying locally produced food and simultaneously put big factory farms (with their genetically modified synthetic “food”) out of business, or you could start a website offering information which helps people improve their lives. Either way, everything you do makes a difference- realize how much power you have in the way you live your life. Do the right thing at all times, and become a role model for others to follow. Once people see you doing the right thing, and making special efforts, they will realize the joy thins brings into ones life, and seek to follow in your footsteps.
In the end, we have to realize that no conspiracy of evil in this world can be fought by us using the methods evil forces have set up to maintain and increase their power grip (for example organized crime and violence, faulty law, and rigged political arenas). Only good can put evil. This is done by righteousness and good acts, which give our fellow human beings the respect and dignity we would ask for in return. Evil acts beget evil- if you don’t believe me, read a chapter out of any history book. Only when we refuse to participate in evil against ourselves and others can we defeat evil. Essentially, that means we beat it at its own game by refusing to play.

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

Personal and Collective Responsibility- That is SO Last Century!

"It's not my fault." "These things always seem to happen to me." "I can't help it- this is just the way I am!" And yada yada yada.

Here in the United States (and around much of the world, I might add), the concept of personal responsibility has gone out of fashion. Not only has individual personal responsibility gone out of fashion, but collective responsibility has as well.

I would like to discuss the topic of personal responsibility and how it relates to collective responsibility. The former is necessary for the latter, and unfortunately, we are suffering from a lack of both in our society.

The thing is, until the majority of a society's people exercise the concept of personal responsibility as a value, they will not demand that it be exercised by others. It is only when we as individuals in the American society regain the virtue of taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences, that we will demand our leaders- to include business, political, religious, etc.- do the same.

We as a society have two forms of crises on our shoulders; first, we have a myriad of problems; and second, no one seems to be responsible for them. Somehow, we find our country in trillions of dollars of debt; foreign entanglements; a state of social fragmentation; and etc (I could go on for hours...). But amazingly enough, these things just sort of "happened;" you know, like some great mysterious force called "change" brought them into existence.

And even if we could determine who the culprits were, they probably were just trying to do the best they could... it's just that things didn't always work out in reality like they do on paper- right? No conspiracy theories here ;)

So many 'conspiracy watchers' tell people, "While you were sleeping, those with power were busy implementing their plans. Therefore, you have to wake up and take control of things and steer them in the 'right' direction." Well, the problem is, even if we could all agree on the 'right' direction, average people are too busy going about their lives; making money, raising families, and trying to enjoy what little free time they have. The fact of the matter is, when it comes to politics, most people don't have time to do anything but get angry at the state of things!

So then if We the People don't have time to run the country, what could we do to make sure our interests are being served? Well, for starters we would want to implement a Constitution with a Bill of Rights (done). Then we would want to have a democratic government, where the people vote for leaders and laws which would take an oath to follow and be in keeping with that Constitution (we've slipped up there). And finally, we would want to force our leaders to be personally responsible for all their actions- especially for breaching their oaths to follow that constitution, and for enacting lousy policies and decisions (need I say anything about how we're doing on that?).

We the People need to take personal responsibility for how we allow our leaders to run our country. When we justify wrongs as "lesser evils," and let our leaders get away with dire mistakes, we unintentionally participate as a collective in bringing about the resulting negative consequences.

As Hanna Arendt says, "When everyone is guilty, no one is guilty." And she is right on, because how can a minority in a society take collective responsibility and try to bring about changes, when the majority won't budge?

If we would like to see positive changes made in our country, then we need to start with ourselves. The best gift we could ever give our country is to be the type of person we would like to have as leaders, parents, children, friends, etc. That doesn't mean being perfect, but it means being able to look at our selves holistically, and honestly feel that we are satisfied with that person we see. In order to do that, we have to admit our shortcomings to ourselves, and take the personal responsibility for their consequences, and eventually for overcoming and improving upon them.

Becoming the person you would like to be probably won't fix your country- at least few Americans could repay our trillions in debt that way... but take head in the (probable) fact that doing so will do for your life what trillions would do for your country! That's because those people who neglect their personal responsibility neglect their ability to make positive self and life improvements.

All consciously made improvements require solutions. In order that one may find solutions, one must admit to and take responsibility for the problem. If it's your personal problem, then only you can fix it. If it's your collective problem, then only the collective can fix it. But in order that the collective may function properly, its parts must first be in order!

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2008

Your Thrival Instincts

We're all considerably versed in what survival instincts are and how they function. But is there such a thing as thrival instincts- some sort of internal message telling us we are or aren't thriving?

I believe our emotions to be instincts of thriving. Emotions- positive and negative- are internal messages letting us know how our life situation is, in both good and bad contexts.

As painful as negative emotions are, if you never felt the need to scream, cry, become violent, taking revenge, etc.; then how would you know that something was wrong with the experiences of yourself and others? Likewise, without being able to feel positive emotions, you would never be excited at major life changes or pleased with the accomplishments of yourself and others.

The human spirit is blessed with an abundance in regards to its potential to feel myriads of differing emotions- both positive and negative. The stronger the spirit of one's soul, the stronger one will feel.

It's healthy to avoid negative emotions. But there are two ways of doing it. The first way is thorugh pacifying the negative emotion through distractions (i.e., TV, partying, drugs, etc.). On the other hand, the second way (and more healthier one) is by considering the emotion a side effect of a problem, and dealing with the problem. That way, one would treat the problem, rather than the symptom.

The truth is, negative and positive emotions are not causal phenomena, but rather, circumstantial ones. You don't feel feelings for no reason- something has to trigger them. So when your feelings of negativity are resultant of something gone wrong, why seek to pacify your thrival instincts? Better would be to accept the emotions you feel, and use them as a guide to help you deal properly with the problem at hand to find solutions.

Can you immagine if you didn't have negative emotions to guide you in the context of a major injustice or crisis? What a bereaved existence that would be- you couldn't even call such a life living.

People whom I simply cannot understand are those hell bent and high strung on ignore their emotions, for the red flags that they are. These thriving instincts tell us that either something has gone right (we're thriving) or something has gone wrong (we're not thriving). Those included in this group include 'Happy-Pill Poppers,' who drug themselves out of feeling anything very strongly (that's really to cease living); and 'Exotic-Philosophy Gurus,' who sell you lies like "nothing is real everything is an illusion" and so you must be "detached" in all circumstances.

If you pop 'happy-pills' or detach yourself from life- then you're missing the point of it! Life is about consciousness- about being aware, living, feeling, learning!

So in which spirit does a general state of happiness reside- the sacraficial, indulgent, indifferent or...? No one really knows accepet for those who figure out what happiness means to them, and attain it. But don't be supprised, if, when you ask yourself what happiness really is, you find it's more intricate, enigmatic, and quite different from what you've been told it is.

Whatever you feel, accept it. Just feel it until you are ready to let go of it. If you are feeling something negative, realize that's just a warning sign from your thrival instincts that something is wrong, and must be dealt with in some way. Few of us ever work through all the problems of our own life, let alone of the state of the world (without detaching from reality and abandoning human emotions, that is)- but that might just be part of this intricate, enigmatic, and beautiful thing we call conscious living.