Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008

Saving the Lost

An important point hit me hard he other day. Namely, we cannot save people, we can only show hem the way. And if they refuse hat path, we cannot carry them along down it.

I was for the umpteenth time attempting to explain yet again to someone why I would NOT be voting for either 'major' candidate in the upcoming elections. My basic argument was that both candidates are part of the New World Order. I told my Dear Mother that she just wants something to believe in, but that putting her faith in the wrong person can be much worse than no faith at all. Basically, I told her that John McCain is JUST as bad as Obama, and both are working from the same agenda and for the same people (the NW)). From her response though, it seemed to me that she refuses to accept the existence of a NWO. I don't mean to speak for my Dear Mother, I just think she sees the signs of a conspiracy but on some level will not accept that both candidates are part of it. The truth is too ugly, it must be ignored.

This is no commentary upon one person, but rather upon a phenomenon. Many people are in the position of choosing to deny the ugly truth, rather than accept it and go from there. They see the economy falling apart, corrupt politicians, unconstitutional legislation, chemtrails etc. However, most of these people do not want to admit the existence of a conspiracy, ad chalk it ll up to chance or coincidence.

So many people scoff at the mention of the word conspiracy. They want to believe thins 'just happen,' not that they are planned. I think this is because if things 'just happen' you can't do anything to 'prevent the chips from falling how they may,' as it were. BUT, if there really was a conspiracy for global domination and the economic/political games are rigged... then it means you MUST do something about it. Also, it the fact is that most people just want to go about their lives the way children go about play, and cannot be bothered to take responsibility for things like the political situation of their country/state/city, unfortunately. Thus, they want so strongly to believe in their 'leaders,' to feel the 'grown ups' are looking out for them so they can 'play house.'

The truth though is that while we have MANY comforts, society today tends to be a harsh and difficult place. And it gets rougher all the time. The banksters, those corrupt among the police and the crooked politicians have us so concerned with paying our bills on time, following all the little rules and preventing worse people from coming into power, that most of us are not living very fun lives. Sure, we have a few simple pleasures left... but have our lives and by extension their societies lost their meanings?

I've spoken with many individuals concerning these topics. Very few are fascinated to learn that conspiracies exist, and their lives change as a result of understanding this fact. Most however remain indifferent at best and hostile or angry a worse to it.

The former category of people have meaning in their lives. They look around them and see a human society losing its meaning, but that isn't everything. They find truth and meaning in themselves, love, God and the non-human environment around them. The latter category however has for the most part become ideologically fanatical, angry, afraid, and many are very materialistic. These people tend not to see truth and meaning accurately, finding it mainly in things and ideas (like material goods and society), as opposed to in themselves and the non-human world.

But, life is a journey, the destination remaining unknown. We can't force people to come along with us, we can only offer them our hand. However, those of us who are courageous enough must -alone if necessary- look at truth, no matter how ugly it may be.

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008

What the Life of Aaron James Means for your Future

The New World Order and their cronies have a vendetta against Aaron James. Not because he is a criminal; not even so much because he stood up when they wronged him; but because if he gets away with doing so, you will think you can too.

You’ve probably never heard of Aaron James, just the way the FBI and Minneapolis Police Department would like it. In fact, all information relating to Aaron James has been erased from the FBI’s website. You will find no information relating to Aaron James there, nor will you find it on the Minneapolis Police Department’s or the Winnipeg Police Department’s websites. According to my understanding, Aaron James believes this is because one or more of these bodies, alone or in tandem, is planning to erase him from the web, before assassinating him.

I for one am taking Aaron James very seriously, and am very worried that his life is in danger. After having heard Aaron James on various Patriot radio shows (such as those accessed via The Republican Broadcasting Network ( and having watched several of his videos via YouTube (accessed via, I am without a doubt that Aaron James is being targeted by the US and Canadian government, as part of a larger New World Order scheme to shut up and set up an example for possible dissenters.

Now before going onto Aaron James’ story, I want to make three brief points. First, Aaron James is not being targeted for having committed a crime- he did NOT commit a crime. Second, even if had committed a crime, he nevertheless both deserves and is legally obligated to be treated as innocent until proven guilty, within the domestic law of the United States and Canada. And third, the American and Canadian police do NOT have the right to beat civilians acting peacefully/non-violently; the police, FBI and CIA do not have the right to threaten civilians into ‘compliance,’ ‘confession’ or other types of action- these agencies do not have the right to threaten civilians PERIOD; and trials within the American court system MUST be administered by an impartial jury.

Now onto the Aaron James story, as I understand it: on 18 January 2006, aboard a Northwestern Airlines flight returning from Minneapolis to Canada, Aaron James’ mother (a soft spoken middle aged lady) was, as she attests to it, asked very rudely by a stewardess to let the latter explore her “suspicious” carry on baggage. Aaron James was treated very rudely by the stewardess, who called him and his mother names via the flight’s intercom system. Neither James nor his mother were, at any point, rude or abrasive to the stewardess or any flight personnel. In fact, this was later admitted by another stewardess I James’ 2006 trial.

Now the next part of the story is a bit hazy for me (I am unable to access Aaron James’ website to get the full facts, unfortunately, as his site has suspiciously been taken down by unidentified third parties). But what I do know is that at some point (I believe in Minneapolis), James was taken off the plane and beaten severely by a several police officers.

Aaron James maintains that this was a racially motivated action, on account of his appearance. Aaron James was beaten so badly, that his clothing was partly saturated with blood. And for what? All because his mother wanted to be treated respectfully by the stewardess, and not ordered around like cattle, and because of his appearance.

Following this incident, Aaron James ad his mother were put on a no fly list, bussed back to Canada, Aaron James was tried in a tribunal type trial (the jury was composed of airport and Minneapolis police personnel!), targeted by Winnipeg police, harassed by American law enforcement and threatened by the FBI/CIA/Winnipeg police and Minneapolis police. An for what? Because he refused to be silent about the abhorrent treatment he and his mother received. Because the New World Order is afraid of individuals like Aaron James, who have backbone enough to stand up to tyranny.

Please get all the facts from Aaron James himself. He recounts them much better than do I. Please watch Aaron James’ video concerning the initial incident (accessibly via You can see how serious James is, and how important it is for us to stick up for and support him, during his struggle against the tyrannical New World Order.

After watching Aaron James’ story, get the word out. Tell anyone and everyone you can. Then write a pose about him and his struggle in your personal blog or on internet forums. If enough people learn about Aaron James, those after his life will not make a move, for fear of showing their true colors.

If the New World Order can shut Aaron James up for standing up to their tyranny, then they can and will shut you up too for doing the same. We need to let them know that we the people are not in the present and will not in the future take their tyranny. We will speak up when they wrong one of us, and we will support each other in their struggles against them! Also, do not let the New World Order win the information battle! Aaron James’ website has mysteriously disappeared off the internet, he is off all FBI lists for the first time in 3 years. Get this story out; inform anyone and everyone you can!

The New World Order has declared war against dissenters; those who are unwilling to go along with their tyranny (e.g., take unwarranted police beatings in silence, sign faulty ‘confession statements’ and let them treat us like cattle). Aaron James is on the figurative front line, doing all he can to preserve his and our future. Meet him at the front, and support him, like he would do for you. If the New World Order takes Aaron James down, it is only a matter of time before they come for you too!