Some people want you to believe that come November, you mush decide the future of America, and there are only two paths: the John McCain or Barack Obama one, respectively.
Unfortunately, the bulk of the American populace has bought this lie. But how was it sold to those of this category? Hollywood films, Madison Avenue advertising, small town print newspapers owned by big city media conglomerates, national news stations, television serials, indoctrination at universities, and so on.
Well, the truth is that those who buy this lie have had their entire paradigm shaped by the powers that be, and simply do not see the situation accurately. Sadly, far too many people think that 1) voting for either McCain or Obama makes a difference to the future of our country and fellow countrymen; and 2) they ‘have to’ vote for either McCain or Obama because; 3) There is no other course.
Time and space do not allow us to make a thorough consideration of the candidates in question’s political convictions and policy proposals, so we will have to just cut to the chase. On the one hand, few of us feel too comfortable with allotting McCain the privilege to declare war, let alone push the red button. On the other though, many Americans are opposed to Obama’s plans for cultural change; such as entrenching socialism and both political and economic bolshevism into our governing sphere.
While the means may be different, the ends are the same; the destruction of America as our forefathers built her to be, and thus the destruction of our nation. America will be made neither greater nor more glorious through war. And moreover, it will be your sons and daughters sacrificing their lives for the livelihoods of the elite –or in other words, you and your family are intended to reap so the elite may sow. Similarly, you might not like all the rules imposed by ‘Daddy the State.’ Socialism is a form of government where the former party governs society in the way which it consider best, despite the contentions of the latter. That inevitably means total control by the government of the people for themselves, and perpetual childhood through helplessness and ignorance for you, the people.
In both of the aforementioned scenarios, it emerges as clear that whether you take the far right or the far left route, you will still end up at the same place: hell.
Directly compounding the grimness of this situation is the fact that many individuals believe they must either vote for McCain or Obama. They feel they must choose between the ‘lesser of two evils,’ but evil is still evil. As previously mentioned, the roots of this problem stems back to the mainstream media and educational institutions pounding us unceasingly with destructive messages, which once accepted, shape our paradigm and constrict our thinking within certain limits. The powers that be have –unlike the general public- wised up to the fact that the paradigms and hence dominant thoughts of the latter can easily be shaped through visual and auditory repetition, example (i.e., television shows and people who parrot television characters), and the limiting of information. Add in an element of propaganda designed to initiate emotionalism either against or for certain individuals; groups; policies; and etc., and the inevitable result is a very ignorant and controlled populace.
The masses have been trained to think they must vote for one of two candidates in question, both from one of the country’s major political parties. Never mind that these are corrupt, dangerous and evil individuals –the media, heir educators, their friends and family, and their colleagues told them to vote for one of the two! So they must follow in step, choosing ‘the lesser of two evils-’ musn’t they?
We are at a time now when it should emerge as clear to all adults with a modicum of common sense that both Democratic and Republican presidential candidates are following an agenda –one of neither their, their party’s nor the American people’s making. Moreover, this agenda is clearly bigger than the politics of our state, and is furthermore one which betrays the interests of America and her people. In short, it is nothing less than a global agenda, created by globalists, of a very nefarious sort. If you have not gotten it up to this point, then you are as good as the German-Jew of 1938, who didn’t get Hitler’s plot until 1945.
The reality is that one of these terrible candidates hitherto discussed will most likely win the election, and end up sitting comfortably in the Whitehouse, in order that he may firther the implementation of globalist agendas. However, what this means for America and her people depends upon how we handle that event.
While there are a variety of solutions available to this most dire problem, the discussion of these questions are maters for other posts. Suffice it to say though, that there are millions of Americans out there who are not willing to go along with gloablist plans to destroy their nation, and who will not follow either of these two ‘leaders.’ Once upon a time, America’s forefathers once fought globalist interests –most notably the Queen of England’s- to stake a Great Nation. Despite our tragic situation today, in which we have nearly lost everything which once made this nation great, we can take back what is rightfully ours! America -all that she stands for and all we’ve nearly lost- freedom, liberty from tyranny, the right to pursue of happiness, the right to protect ourselves, and etc. can and will be reclaimed by great Americans who will stop at nothing to save our land!
Freitag, 12. September 2008
Take Back Our Country: 3 Ideas!
It is simply improbable that we will rebuild a great state, until we the nation bring ourselves in order. That is to say, a given people’s governance institutions are a reflection of that people in general.
It is my opinion that the first step towards bettering the state begins with bettering the nation, and to that end, I discuss this issue rather abstractly; I believe the specifics therein can only be determined at an individual level. Second though, I present two definite and practical steps, which I hope some individuals will find useful.
As previously stated, I believe that the first step towards bringing fundamental American values –namely, those enshrined in the constitution-, is instilling within ourselves and living by traditional American values. But this process goes deeper and is subsequently more significant than that. Not only do we need to adopt a paradigm akin to that of our forefathers, to a considerable degree -living according to our values and base our principles thereupon-, but we must continuously improve our inner selves and our outer behavior, as the state is only as good as we the nation!
I will not provide my opinion concerning how Americans ought to be and behave, but suffice it to say that the values of our culture have undergone a fundamental shift, during the past several decades, and we ought to reconsider whether this has been for the good or detriment of our society.
Moving on though, there are myriads of differing practical and relevant actions we may all take, which will better our country. Each and every American ought to make a consideration of his or her unique attributes and situation, in order to determine what he or she may best do for our country and people. That having been said so far, perhaps the following ideas will be of use to some individuals, or will help to generate ideas within others, as to how change might be affected.
One idea is making your own patriot website. This serves three purposes, far as I can tell. For one you serve to develop and motivate yourself; all while taking pride in the service you are doing to provide others with important, informative and entertaining information! But for another, you help to educate and inspire others! And finally, you increase the strength and depth of the movement!
Also, you might try speaking to your friends, family and colleagues about political, economic and social issues. But you will want to ‘tread water,’ as it were, carefully on this one. Those who look to he ‘boob tube’ for guidance are probably not going to be your most receptive audience, should you seek to enlighten them on the various conspiracies and conspirators, you are so keenly aware of. Nonetheless, you are apt to find that when you probe and question them in a way which makes them think critically, they end up challenging their own beliefs. For instance: “Wow, isn’t it amazing how both the Russian and American governments want to have a go at one another, when war serves neither purpose,” or “Isn’t it funny how the US trained Georgian commandos just a few moths before the Russian-Georgian conflict broke out?” and so on.
The formula to be followed is this: 1) ask questions relating to what you know is a conspiracy/cover-up; 2) ask questions about that conspiracy/cover-up which prompt them to think critically about it; 3) challenge the holes within their original (gently, as we want this to come off as a fun brain teaser/search for truth!); 4) until they arrive at the answer which logically explains the event –namely, some sort of a conspiracy, or an uncanny coincidence.
In this method, you are prompting them to come up with the answer on their own through mental gymnastics, rather than giving it away from the beginning (as they will surely reject it, should you try that). They end up showing themselves the truth, through their own efforts. Through the question-challenge-answer method, you will probably strike a lot of curiosity in their minds, even if not apparent initially!
I hope this has been of some use to both you and our cause!
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